ppopt package



ppopt.critical_region module

class ppopt.critical_region.CriticalRegion(A: ~numpy.ndarray, b: ~numpy.ndarray, C: ~numpy.ndarray, d: ~numpy.ndarray, E: ~numpy.ndarray, f: ~numpy.ndarray, active_set: ~typing.List[int] | ~numpy.ndarray, omega_set: ~typing.List[int] | ~numpy.ndarray = <factory>, lambda_set: ~typing.List[int] | ~numpy.ndarray = <factory>, regular_set: ~typing.List[int] | ~numpy.ndarray = <factory>, y_fixation: ~numpy.ndarray | None = None, y_indices: ~numpy.ndarray | None = None, x_indices: ~numpy.ndarray | None = None)

Bases: object

Critical region is a polytope that defines a region in the uncertainty space with an associated optimal value, active set, lagrange multipliers and constraints

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} x(\theta) &= A\theta + b\\ \lambda(\theta) &= C\theta + d\\ \Theta &:= \{\forall \theta \in \mathbf{R}^m: E\theta \leq f\} \end{align}\end{split}\]

equality_indices: numpy array of indices

constraint_set: if this is an A@x = b + F@theta boundary

lambda_set: if this is a λ = 0 boundary

boundary_set: if this is an Eθ <= f boundary

A: ndarray
C: ndarray
E: ndarray
active_set: List[int] | ndarray
b: ndarray
d: ndarray
evaluate(theta: ndarray) ndarray

Evaluates x(θ) = Aθ + b.

f: ndarray

An assessor function to quickly access the fields of the extends of the critical region


a list with E, and f as elements

is_full_dimension() bool

Tests dimensionality of critical region. This is done by checking the radius of the chebyshev ball inside the region


a boolean value, of whether the critical region is full dimensional

is_inside(theta: ndarray) ndarray

Tests if point θ is inside the critical region.

lagrange_multipliers(theta: ndarray) ndarray

Evaluates λ(θ) = Cθ + d.

lambda_set: List[int] | ndarray
omega_set: List[int] | ndarray
regular_set: List[int] | ndarray
x_indices: ndarray = None
y_fixation: ndarray = None
y_indices: ndarray = None

ppopt.mplp_program module

class ppopt.mplp_program.MPLP_Program(A, b, c, H, A_t, b_t, F, c_c=None, c_t=None, Q_t=None, equality_indices=None, solver=None)

Bases: object

The standard class for multiparametric linear programming

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} \min_x \quad \theta^TH^Tx& + c^Tx\\ \text{s.t.} \quad Ax &\leq b + F\theta\\ A_{eq}x &= b_{eq}\\ A_\theta \theta &\leq b_\theta\\ x &\in R^n\\ \end{align}\end{split}\]
A: ndarray
A_t: ndarray
F: ndarray
H: ndarray
Q_t: ndarray
b: ndarray
b_t: ndarray
c: ndarray
c_c: ndarray
c_t: ndarray

Checks the rank of the matrix is equal to the cardinality of the active set

\[\textrm{Rank}(A_{\mathcal{A}}) = |\mathcal{A}|\]

active_set – an active set combination


True if full rank otherwise false

check_feasibility(active_set, check_rank=True) bool

Checks the feasibility of an active set combination w.r.t. a multiparametric program.

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} \min_{x,\theta} \quad \quad &0\\ \text{s.t.}\quad Ax &\leq b + F\theta\\ A_{i}x &= b_{i} + F_{i}\theta, \quad \forall i \in \mathcal{A}\\ A_\theta \theta &\leq b_\theta\\ x &\in R^n\\ \theta &\in R^m \end{align}\end{split}\]
  • active_set – an active set combination

  • check_rank – Checks the rank of the LHS matrix for a violation of LINQ if True (default)


True if active set is feasible else False


Tests if the active set is optimal for the provided mpLP program

\[\max_{x, \theta, \lambda, s, t} \quad t\]
\[\begin{split}\begin{align*} H \theta + (A_{A_i})^T \lambda_{A_i} + c &= 0\\ A_{A_i}x - b_ai-F_{a_i}\theta &= 0\\ A_{A_j}x - b_{A_j}-F_{A_j}\theta + s{j_k} &= 0\\ t*e_1 &\leq \lambda_{A_i}\\ t*e_2 &\leq s_{J_i}\\ t &\geq 0\\ \lambda_{A_i} &\geq 0\\ s_{J_i} &\geq 0\\ A_t\theta &\leq b_t \end{align*}\end{split}\]

active_set – active set being considered in the optimality test


dictionary of parameters, or None if active set is not optimal

constraint_datatype_conversion() None

Makes sure that all the data types of the problem are in fp64, this is important as some solvers do not accept integral data types.

display_latex() None

Displaces Latex text of the multiparametric problem.

display_warnings() None

Displaces warnings.

equality_indices: List[int] | ndarray
evaluate_objective(x: ndarray, theta_point: ndarray)

Formulates and solves the (x, Θ) chebychev ball of the multiparametric program.


the lp solution object of the chebychev ball

feasible_theta_point() ndarray | None

This generates a feasible theta point for the multiparametric problem


gen_optimal_active_set() List[int] | None

Self contained method to geometrically sample the theta feasible space to generate an optimal active set.


an optimal active set

latex() List[str]

Generates latex of the multiparametric problem


returns latex of the

num_constraints() int

Returns number of constraints.

num_equality_constraints() int
num_inequality_constraints() int
num_t() int

Returns number of uncertain variables.

num_x() int

Returns number of parameters.

optimal_control_law(active_set: List[int]) Tuple

This function calculates the optimal control law corresponding to an active set combination


active_set – an active set combination


a tuple of the optimal x* and λ* functions in the following form(A_x, b_x, A_l, b_l)

\[\begin{split}\begin{align*} x^*(\theta) &= A_x\theta + b_x\\ \lambda^*(\theta) &= A_l\theta + b_l\\ \end{align*}\end{split}\]
process_constraints() None

Removes redundant constraints from the multiparametric programming problem.

sample_theta_space(num_samples: int = 100) list | None

Samples the theta feasible space with a Diken walk algorithm. This is typically used to initiate the graph and geometric algorithm.


list of found optimal active sets

scale_constraints() None

Rescales the constraints of the multiparametric problem to ||[A|-F]||_i = 1, in the L2 sense.

solve_theta(theta_point: ndarray) SolverOutput | None

Substitutes theta into the multiparametric problem and solves the following optimization problem

\[\min_{x} \tilde{c}^Tx\]
\[\begin{split}\begin{align} Ax &\leq \tilde{b}\\ A_{eq}x &= \tilde{b}_{eq}\\ x &\in R^n\\ \end{align}\end{split}\]

theta_point – An uncertainty realization


The Solver output of the substituted problem, returns None if not solvable

solve_theta_variable() SolverOutput | None

Leaves Theta as an optimization variable, solves the following problem

define y’ = [x^T theta^T]^T

min [c^T 0]^Ty’ s.t. [A -F]y’ <= b


the Solver output of the substituted problem, returns None if not solvable

solver: Solver
warnings() List[str]

Checks the dimensions of the matrices to ensure consistency.

ppopt.mplp_program.calc_weakly_redundant(A, b, equality_set: List[int] | None = None, deterministic_solver='gurobi')

ppopt.mpqp_program module

class ppopt.mpqp_program.MPQP_Program(A: ndarray, b: ndarray, c: ndarray, H: ndarray, Q: ndarray, A_t: ndarray, b_t: ndarray, F: ndarray, c_c: ndarray | None = None, c_t: ndarray | None = None, Q_t: ndarray | None = None, equality_indices=None, solver=None)

Bases: MPLP_Program

The standard class for quadratic multiparametric programming.

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} \min_x\quad \frac{1}{2}x^TQx& + \theta^TH^Tx + c^Tx\\ \text{s.t.}\quad Ax &\leq b + F\theta\\ A_{eq}x &= b_{eq}\\ A_\theta \theta &\leq b_\theta\\ x &\in R^n\\ \end{align}\end{split}\]
A: ndarray
A_t: ndarray
F: ndarray
H: ndarray
Q_t: ndarray
b: ndarray
b_t: ndarray
c: ndarray
c_c: ndarray
c_t: ndarray
check_optimality(active_set: list)

Tests if the active set is optimal for the provided mpqp program

\[\max_{x, \theta, \lambda, s, t} \quad t\]
\[\begin{split}\begin{align*} Qx + H \theta + (A_{A_i})^T \lambda_{A_i} + c &= 0\\ A_{A_i}x - b_ai-F_{a_i}\theta &= 0\\ A_{A_j}x - b_{A_j}-F_{A_j}\theta + s{j_k} &= 0\\ t*e_1 &\leq \lambda_{A_i}\\ t*e_2 &\leq s_{J_i}\\ t &\geq 0\\ \lambda_{A_i} &\geq 0\\ s_{J_i} &\geq 0\\ A_t\theta &\leq b_t \end{align*}\end{split}\]

active_set – active set being considered in the optimality test


dictionary of parameters, or None if active set is not optimal

equality_indices: List[int] | ndarray
evaluate_objective(x, theta_point)

Evaluates the objective of the multiparametric program. for a given x and θ.

\[\frac{1}{2}x^TQx + \theta^TH^Tx+c^Tx\]
  • x – x input

  • theta_point – θ input


Objective function evaluated at x, θ

latex() List[str]

Creates a latex output for the multiparametric problem.

optimal_control_law(active_set: List[int]) Tuple

This function calculates the optimal control law corresponding to an active set combination. This is effectivley just manipulating the stationarity conditions and active constraints for x, and λ

\[ \begin{align}\begin{aligned}Qx + c + H\theta + \hat{A}^T\hat{\lambda} = 0\\\hat{A}x = \hat{b} + \hat{F}\theta\end{aligned}\end{align} \]
\[\begin{split}\begin{align*} x^*(\theta) &= A_x\theta + b_x\\ \lambda^*(\theta) &= A_l\theta + b_l\\ \end{align*}\end{split}\]

active_set – an active set combination


a tuple of the optimal x* and λ* functions in the following form(A_x, b_x, A_l, b_l)

solve_theta(theta_point: ndarray) SolverOutput | None

Substitutes a particular realization of θ into the multiparametric problem and solves the resulting optimization problem.

\[\begin{split}\begin{align} \tilde{b} &= b + F\theta\\ \tilde{b}_eq &= b_{eq} + F_{eq}\theta\\ \tilde{c}^T &= c^T + \theta^T H^T \end{align}\end{split}\]
\[\begin{split}\begin{align} \min_{x}\quad &\frac{1}{2}x^TQx + \tilde{c}^Tx\\ \text{s.t.} \quad Ax &\leq \tilde{b}\\ A_{eq}x &= \tilde{b}_{eq}\\ x &\in \mathbb{R}^n \end{align}\end{split}\]

theta_point – An uncertainty realization


The Solver output of the substituted problem, returns None if not solvable

solver: Solver
warnings() List[str]

Checks the dimensions of the matrices to ensure consistency.

ppopt.plot module

ppopt.plot.gen_vertices(solution: Solution)

Generates the vertices associated with the critical regions in the solution.


solution – a multiparametric region


a list of a collection of vertices sorted counterclockwise that correspond to the specific region

ppopt.plot.parametric_plot(solution: Solution, save_path: str | None = None, show=True, save_format: str = 'png', seed: int | None = None) None

Makes a simple plot from a solution. This uses matplotlib to generate a plot, it is the general plotting backend.

  • solution – a multiparametric solution

  • save_path – if specified saves the plot in the directory

  • save_format – changes the saved image format to the specified

  • show – Keyword argument, if True displays the plot otherwise does not display

  • seed – If not set, will default to time in nanoseconds since the epoc


no return, creates graph of solution

ppopt.plot.parametric_plot_1D(solution: Solution, save_path: str | None = None, show=True, save_format: str = 'png') None

Makes a simple plot from a 1D parametric solution. This uses matplotlib to generate a plot, it is the general plotting backend.

  • solution – a multiparametric solution

  • save_path – if specified saves the plot in the directory

  • save_format – changes the saved image format to the specified

  • show – Keyword argument, if True displays the plot otherwise does not display


no return, creates graph of solution

ppopt.plot.plotly_plot(solution: Solution, save_path: str | None = None, show=True, save_format: str = 'png') None

Makes a plot via the plotly library, this is good for interactive figures that you can embed into webpages and handle interactively.

  • solution – a 2D parametric solution

  • save_path – Keyword argument, if a directory path is specified it will save a html copy and a png to that directory

  • save_format – changes the saved image format to the specified

  • show – Keyword argument, if True displays the plot otherwise does not display


no return, creates a graph of the solution

ppopt.plot.sort_clockwise(vertices: List[ndarray]) List[ndarray]

Sorts the vertices in clockwise order. This is important for rendering as if they were not sorted then you would see nonsense.


vertices – a list of 2D vertices


List of vertices that have been sorted in a clockwise direction

ppopt.plot.vertex_enumeration_2d(A: ndarray, b: ndarray, solver: Solver) List[ndarray]

Computes the vertices of a 2D polytope from the half space representation, uses a naive O(n^2) algorithm but is sufficient for plotting purposes.

Generates vertices for the 2D polytope of the following structure Ax <= b

  • solver – A solver object to solve the LPs

  • A – The left-hand side constraint matrix

  • b – The right-hand side constraint matrix


List of vertices

ppopt.problem_generator module

ppopt.problem_generator.generate_mplp(x: int = 2, t: int = 2, m: int = 10) MPLP_Program

Generates a random mpLP problem with of the following characteristics

  • x – number of parameters

  • t – number of uncertain variables

  • m – number of constraints


A random mpLP of the specified type

ppopt.problem_generator.generate_mpqp(x: int = 2, t: int = 2, m: int = 10) MPQP_Program

Generates a random mpQP problem with of the following characteristics

  • x – number of x dimensions

  • t – number of theta dimensions

  • m – number of constraints


A random mpQP problem of the specified type

ppopt.solution module

class ppopt.solution.Solution(program: MPLP_Program | MPQP_Program, critical_regions: List[CriticalRegion], is_overlapping=False)

Bases: object

The Solution object is the output of multiparametric solvers, it contains all the critical regions as well as holds a copy of the original problem that was solved.

add_region(region: CriticalRegion) None

Adds a region to the solution


region – region to add to the solution

critical_regions: List[CriticalRegion]
evaluate(theta_point: ndarray) ndarray | None

returns the optimal x* from the solution, if it exists


theta_point – an uncertainty realization


the calculated x* from theta

evaluate_objective(theta_point) ndarray | None

Given a realization of an uncertainty parameter, calculate the objective value


theta_point – a theta realization


the value of the objective or None (if theta_point is not inside any critical region)

get_region(theta_point: ndarray) CriticalRegion | None

Find the critical region in the solution that corresponds to the theta provided

The method finds all critical regions that the solution is inside and returns the solutions, x*, with the lowest objective function of all of these regions.

In the case of no overlap we can make a shortcut


theta_point – an uncertainty realization


the region that contains theta

get_region_no_overlap(theta_point: ndarray) CriticalRegion | None

Find the critical region in the solution that corresponds to the provided theta, assumes that no critical regions overlap


theta_point – a theta realization


the critical region that contains theta_point or None

get_region_overlap(theta_point: ndarray) CriticalRegion | None

Find the critical region in the solution that corresponds to the provided theta


theta_point – realization of uncertainty


the critical region that that theta is in with the lowest objective value or none

program: MPLP_Program | MPQP_Program | MPMIQP_Program | MPMILP_Program
theta_dim() int

Returns the number of theta/ parameter dimensions

verify_solution() bool

This can be called to verify that all the critical regions agree with the optimization problem. With problems with numerically small critical regions the deterministic optimizer value could fail. This does NOT necessarily mean that the critical region is at fault but that perhaps more analysis should be done. This is especially apparent with critical regions with chebychev radii on the order of sqrt(machine epsilon).

In the case of overlapping critical regions this is not the proper analysis and a different method should be used.


True if all is verified, else False

verify_theta(theta_point: ndarray) bool

Checks that the result of the solution is consistent with theta substituted multiparametric problem


theta_point – an uncertainty realization


True if they are the same, False if they are different

ppopt.solver module

class ppopt.solver.Solver(solvers: ~typing.Dict[str, str] = <factory>)

Bases: object

This is the primary user interface for deterministic solvers

The solvers can be changed by directly editing the solver dict to different solver names

check_supported_problem(problem_name: str) None
static problem_not_supported(problem_name: str) None

This is an internal method that throws an error and prompts the user when they use an unsupported Solver

solve_lp(c: ndarray | None, A: ndarray | None, b: ndarray | None, equality_constraints=None, verbose=False, get_duals=True) SolverOutput | None

This is the breakout for solving linear programs

The Linear programming problem

\[\min_{xy} c^Tx\]
\[\begin{split}\begin{align} Ax &\leq b\\ A_{eq}x &= beq\\ x &\in R^n\\ \end{align}\end{split}\]
  • c – Column Vector, can be None

  • A – Constraint LHS matrix, can be None

  • b – Constraint RHS matrix, can be None

  • equality_constraints – List of Equality constraints

  • verbose – Flag for output of underlying Solver, default False

  • get_duals – Flag for returning dual variable of problem, default True (false for all mixed integer models)


A SolverOutput object if optima found, otherwise None.

solve_milp(c: ndarray | None, A: ndarray | None, b: ndarray | None, equality_constraints: Iterable[int] | None = None, bin_vars: Iterable[int] | None = None, verbose=False, get_duals=True) SolverOutput | None

This is the breakout for solving mixed integer linear programs

The Mixed Integer Linear programming problem

\[\min_{x,y} c^T[x,y]\]
\[\begin{split}\begin{align} A[x,y] &\leq b\\ A_{eq}[x,y] &= beq\\ x &\in R^n\\ y &\in \{0, 1\}^m \end{align}\end{split}\]
  • c – Column Vector, can be None

  • A – Constraint LHS matrix, can be None

  • b – Constraint RHS matrix, can be None

  • equality_constraints – List of Equality constraints

  • bin_vars – List of binary variable indices

  • verbose – Flag for output of underlying Solver, default False

  • get_duals – Flag for returning dual variable of problem, default True (false for all mixed integer models)


A dictionary of the Solver outputs, or none if infeasible or unbounded. output[‘sol’] = primal variables, output[‘dual’] = dual variables, output[‘obj’] = objective value, output[‘const’] = slacks, output[‘active’] = active constraints.

solve_miqp(Q: ndarray | None, c: ndarray | None, A: ndarray | None, b: ndarray | None, equality_constraints: Iterable[int] | None = None, bin_vars: Iterable[int] | None = None, verbose: bool = False, get_duals: bool = True) SolverOutput | None

This is the breakout for solving mixed integer quadratic programs

The Mixed Integer Quadratic program programming problem

\[\min_{xy} \frac{1}{2} [xy]^TQ[xy] + c^T[xy]\]
\[\begin{split}\begin{align} A[xy] &\leq b\\ A_{eq}[xy] &= beq\\ x &\in R^n\\ y &\in \{0, 1\}^m \end{align}\end{split}\]
  • Q – Square matrix, can be None

  • c – Column Vector, can be None

  • A – Constraint LHS matrix, can be None

  • b – Constraint RHS matrix, can be None

  • equality_constraints – List of Equality constraints

  • bin_vars – List of binary variable indices

  • verbose – Flag for output of underlying Solver, default False

  • get_duals – Flag for returning dual variable of problem, default True (false for all mixed integer models)


A SolverOutput object if optima found, otherwise None.

solve_qp(Q: ndarray | None, c: ndarray | None, A: ndarray | None, b: ndarray | None, equality_constraints: Iterable[int] | None = None, verbose=False, get_duals=True) SolverOutput | None

This is the breakout for solving quadratic programs

The Quadratic programming problem

\[\min_{x} \frac{1}{2}x^TQx + c^Tx\]
\[\begin{split}\begin{align} Ax &\leq b\\ A_{eq}x &= beq\\ x &\in R^n\\ \end{align}\end{split}\]
  • Q – Square matrix, can be None

  • c – Column Vector, can be None

  • A – Constraint LHS matrix, can be None

  • b – Constraint RHS matrix, can be None

  • equality_constraints – List of Equality constraints

  • verbose – Flag for output of underlying Solver, default False

  • get_duals – Flag for returning dual variable of problem, default True (false for all mixed integer models)


A SolverOutput object if optima found, otherwise None.

static solver_not_supported(solver_name: str) None

This is an internal method that throws an error and prompts the user when they use an unsupported Solver

solvers: Dict[str, str]
supported_problems = ['lp', 'qp', 'milp', 'miqp']
supported_solvers = ['gurobi', 'glpk', 'quadprog']
ppopt.solver.available_LP_solvers() Iterable

Checks what LP solvers are available to use


Installed and supported solvers for linear programs


Checks what QP solvers are avalable to use


Installed and supported solvers for quadratic programs

ppopt.solver.check_modules(modules: Iterable) Iterable

Given an iterable of module names, returns modules that are installed

ppopt.solver.check_solver_modules(module_map, packages) Iterable

Maps optimization python package names to internal names and returns an iterable


Generates the default system solvers to use for optimization sub problems


A dictionary of determanistic solvers to use

Module contents