Control Allocation for an Octocopter

Multiparametric Optimization is important to many modern control strategies. One basic strategy is known as Control Allocation. This is the process of determining a set of laws which optimally assign control signals to desired plant output. For an octocopter, this would mean optimally assigning the eight motor throttle signals in order to get a desired total thrust and total roll, pitch, and yaw moments.

There are two, typically competitive, objectives to consider when assigning the control signals: 1. The error between the desired and actual thrust and total roll, pitch, and yaw moments 2. Throttle signals are as low as possible in order to minimize energy usage.

First we will define a vehicle model based on a simple octocopter with very simple, constant, thrust coefficient, torque coefficient, and figure of merit.

import numpy as np

# Vehicle Parameters
m = 5.0  # Vehicle mass [kg]
g = 9.8  # Gravitational acceleration [m/s^2]
r = 0.35 # Rotor radius [m]
rotDir = np.array([+1.0, -1.0, +1.0, -1.0, +1.0, -1.0, +1.0, -1.0], float)
    # positive is right handed rotation about thrust direction
n = 8 # Number of rotors
m = 4 # Number of control axes

# Rotor locations in x forward, y right, z down coordinate frame at CG
# Assumed to be axisymmetric about CG
phi = np.linspace(0.0, 2.0*np.pi, n+1, True, False, float)
phi = phi[0:-1] # Azimuth
xRotor = np.sin(phi) # Rotor x location [m]
yRotor = np.cos(phi) # Rotor y location [m]
zRotor = np.zeros((n), float) # Rotor z location [m]

# Rotor Parameters
Ct = 0.014 # Thrust coefficient [T = rho*pi*r^4*Ct*omega^2]
FoM = 0.7  # Figure of merit
Cq = Ct**1.5/FoM/np.sqrt(2.0) # Torque coefficient [Q = rho*pi*r^5*Cq*omega^2]

# Motor Sizing
thrustRatio = 1.4 # Individual rotor maximum thrust over hover thrust

Now we must compute the model’s control Jacobians in order to produce a linear model. This is essential because we must create quadratic forms for the objective function. Linear forms are needed now because we will form a squared error term and a squared Euclidean distance term.

# Generate hover control Jacobian: dFM/dTau
# Ignore Fx and Fy (assume no cant on rotors)
dFMdTau = np.zeros((m, n), float)

# Thrust per torque
dTdTau = Ct/(r*Cq)

# Fz = -dTdTau
dFMdTau[0,:] = -dTdTau*np.ones((n), float)

# Mx = dTdTau*-y
dFMdTau[1,:] = -dTdTau*yRotor

# My = dTdTau*x
dFMdTau[2,:] = dTdTau*xRotor

# Mz = rotDir
dFMdTau[3,:] = rotDir

Next we compute a trim point which will be useful for the objective function.

# Force/Moment trim command, assuming CG is at origin
FMTrim = np.array([-m*g, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], float) # 1g thrust, 0 moment commands

# Compute trim actuation using Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse
xTrim = (np.linalg.pinv(dFMdTau)@FMTrim.reshape((4, 1))).reshape((n))

Now for the problem formulation. The vehicle must be capable of responding to any combination of thrust, roll moment, pitch moment, and yaw moment requested from its control system (or pilot). Our aim is to meet every possible request optimally, so we must parameterize the optimization problem based on thrust, roll, pitch, and yaw. Let’s therefore form the parameter (theta) vector:

\[\begin{split}FMCmd = \left[\begin{matrix} F_{thrust} \\ M_{roll} \\ M_{pitch} \\ M_{yaw} \end{matrix}\right]\end{split}\]

We desire optimal selection of the motor throttle signals, so they will form the decision variable vector:

\[\begin{split}x = \left[\begin{matrix} \delta_{motor 0} \\ \delta_{motor 1} \\ \delta_{motor 2} \\ \delta_{motor 3} \\ \delta_{motor 4} \\ \delta_{motor 5} \\ \delta_{motor 6} \\ \delta_{motor 7} \end{matrix}\right]\end{split}\]

Now form a (linear) trim error vector:

\[e = dFMdTau * x - FMCmd\]

and a (linear) control effort vector:

\[f = dFMdTau * (x - xTrim)\]

Now our objective is stated as:

\[J = e^{T} * WFM * e + f^{T} * f\]

where we have added a weighting matrix, WFM, which is a diagonal matrix with different weightings for thrust, roll, pitch, and yaw. We will define it as:

WFM = np.diag([20.0, 100.0, 100.0, 5.0]) # Fz, Mx, My, Mz

This matrix primarily elevates the importance of trim over reduction of control effort; we ideally want to minimize the effort required to meet a force and moment request exactly. Secondarily, it will assign different importance levels to the components of the force and moment request. Roll and pitch are highest, then thrust, then yaw. One might note that we could merely make the fore and moment request into equality constraints, but this eventually leads to a mixed-integer program which is beyond the scope of this example.

Our constraints are simple bounds. We only need to ensure that the control allocation doesn’t assign more throttle than the motors can supply. The throttle signals are simple thrust values that are zero at the bottom end, and proportional the thrust ratio of the top end:

\[xMin \leq x \leq xMax\]


xMin = np.zeros((n), float)
xMax = thrustRatio*np.mean(xTrim)*np.ones((n), float)

We must also constrain the requested force and moment (theta) space based on the maximum capabilities of the vehicle. This is not strictly mathematically necessary (some solvers can handle unbounded polytopes), but doing so can improve numerical conditioning and limit the number of polytopes to only what is necessary to solve the problem. Therefore let:

rollPitchMomentLimits = np.array([-15.0, 15.0], float)
yawMomentLimits = np.array([-3.0, 3.0], float)
thrustLimits = np.array([-1.2*m*g, -0.8*m*g], float)

We will use these values to form constraint vectors. Add 10% just to make sure the limit values themselves are allocated:

\[FMCmdMin \leq FMCmd \leq FMCmdMax\]


FMCmdMin = np.array([thrustLimits[0], rollPitchMomentLimits[0],
    rollPitchMomentLimits[0], yawMomentLimits[0]])*1.1
FMCmdMax = np.array([thrustLimits[1], rollPitchMomentLimits[1],
    rollPitchMomentLimits[1], yawMomentLimits[1]])*1.1

The problem is now fully formulated, but we must format it for use by PPOPT. First we put the objective function into an explicit quadratic format in terms of x and FMCmd. Expand the terms, combine like terms, and simplify to obtain:

\[0.5 * J = 0.5 * x^{T} * Q * x + c^{T} * x + FMCmd^{T} * H^{T} * x + FMCmd^{T} * WFM * FMCmd + xTrim^{T} * dFMdTau^{T} * dFMdTau * xTrim\]


Q = dFMdTau.T@WFM@dFMdTau + dFMdTau.T@dFMdTau
c = -dFMdTau.T@dFMdTau@xTrim.reshape((n, 1))
H = -dFMdTau.T@WFM

Note that the last two terms in the objective function are not functions of x or FMCmd. They can safely be ignored as far as optimizing x is concerned, but must be included if one wishes the objective function value itself to maintain its original meaning. Similarly, we can absorb 0.5 into J.

We reformat the constraints by making them all “less than or equal to” form, and stacking them to form matrices and vectors. The individual thrust limits can be represented alternatively as:

\[A * x <= b + F * FMCmd\]


A = np.concatenate((-np.eye(n, n, 0, float), np.eye(n, n, 0, float)), 0)
b = np.concatenate((-xMin.reshape((n, 1)), xMax.reshape((n, 1))), 0)
F = np.zeros((2*n, m), float)

Note that F is zeros because we only have simple bound constraints. Similarly, we reformat the theta bounds as:

\[CRa * FMCmd <= CRb\]


CRa = np.concatenate((-np.eye(m, m, 0, float), np.eye(m, m, 0, float)), 0)
CRb = np.concatenate((-FMCmdMin.reshape((m, 1)), FMCmdMax.reshape((m, 1))), 0)

Now that the formaulated problem is reformatted, we create the PPOPT mpqp_problem object:

from library.ppopt.src.ppopt.mpqp_program import MPQP_Program as mpqp_program
prog = mpqp_program(A, b, c, H, Q, CRa, CRb, F)

Always consider running this to improve numerics:


Finally, we execute the optimization process:

from library.ppopt.src.ppopt.mp_solvers.solve_mpqp import solve_mpqp, mpqp_algorithm
solution = solve_mpqp(prog, mpqp_algorithm.combinatorial)

This step may take several minutes if your problem has thousands of regions. The upper bound on regions count is based on the number of possible combinations of constraints.

Now that we have an allocation, let’s take a look at it. It can be difficult to see how an allocation is doing if it has more than three dimensions (our problem has a 4D theta vector). First, a simple rotor layout plot:

# Plots
import matplotlib.pyplot as mp

# Plot rotor geometry
fg, ax = mp.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(5.5, 5.5))

ax.plot(yRotor, xRotor, color='black', linestyle='', marker='.', markersize=20)
theta = np.linspace(0.0, 2.0*np.pi, 128, True, False, float)
for i in range(0, n, 1):
    if rotDir[i] > 0.0:
        ax.plot(yRotor[i] + r*np.sin(theta), xRotor[i] + r*np.cos(theta),
            color='blue', linestyle='-', marker='')
        ax.plot(yRotor[i] + r*np.sin(theta), xRotor[i] + r*np.cos(theta),
            color='red', linestyle='-', marker='')
    ax.text(yRotor[i], xRotor[i], "   " + str(i))

ax.set_ylabel("x [m]")
ax.set_xlabel("y [m]")
ax.set_title("Rotor Geometry")

Next, we will take a look at the relationship between the requested roll and pitch and the actual roll and pitch that results. For this, we will fix thrust and yaw to their trimmed hover values. Then for a selection of roll and pitch requests, we will draw a blue line from the request to the result. We will add a red dot to the result to distinguish it from the request. The line will show the nature of the roll and pitch errors introduced.

# Basic resolution of the plots
res = 32

# Mx and My commands to loop over
MxCmd = np.linspace(rollPitchMomentLimits[0], rollPitchMomentLimits[1], res,
    True, False, float)
MyCmd = np.linspace(rollPitchMomentLimits[0], rollPitchMomentLimits[1], res,
    True, False, float)
FMCmdXY = np.zeros((res, res, m), float)

# Storage for solutions
xXY = np.zeros((res, res, n), float)

# Storage for realized force/moments
FMRetXY = np.zeros((res, res, m), float)

k = 0
for i in range(0, res, 1):
    for j in range(0, res, 1):

        # Commanded force/moment
        FMTest = FMTrim
        FMTest[1] = MxCmd[i]
        FMTest[2] = MyCmd[j]
        FMCmdXY[i,j,:] = FMTest

        # Find optimal design variables
        xXY[i,j,:] = solution.evaluate(FMTest.reshape((m, 1))).reshape((n))

        # Compute returned force/moments for optimal design variables
        FMRetXY[i,j,:] = (dFMdTau@xXY[i,j,:].reshape((n, 1))).reshape((m))

        # Print progress for high resolutions
        k = k + 1
        if k >= 10:
            k = 0
            print("Whisker plot evaluating point (" + str(i) + ", " + str(j) + ")")

fg, ax = mp.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(5.5, 5.5))

for i in range(0, res, 1):
    for j in range(0, res, 1):
        ax.plot([FMCmdXY[i,j,1], FMRetXY[i,j,1]], [FMCmdXY[i,j,2], FMRetXY[i,j,2]],
            color='blue', linestyle='-', linewidth=1, marker='', markersize=0)

for i in range(0, res, 1):
    for j in range(0, res, 1):
        ax.plot(FMRetXY[i,j,1], FMRetXY[i,j,2],
            color='red', linestyle='', linewidth=0, marker='.', markersize=4)

ax.set_xlabel("Mx [N-m]")
ax.set_ylabel("My [N-m]")
ax.set_title("FM Commanded to FM Realized as Mx and My Cmd vary\n"
    + " with Fz = -m*g, Mz = 0")

We see that there is very little error in the middle. This is expected because none of the actuators should be saturated for smaller commands. Very large requests for pitch and moment are outside of the vehicle’s performance envelope, and these are shifted to the nearest achievable vehicle output. Also note that no errors in the middle mean the vehicle reponds proportionally to the command in this region. So the system is linearized, to the extent possible, and optimized when linear is not achievable.

Let’s try to see more of the system. We will continue to view roll-pitch slices of the control space, but now let’s look at the pure error on each of the four axes. We will do so by once again fixing thrust and yaw to their trim values and sweeping roll and pitch. We will compute thrust, roll, pitch, and yaw errors for every evaluated point, and then plot them as contours.

# Basic resolution of the plots
res = 128

# Mx and My commands to loop over
MxCmd = np.linspace(rollPitchMomentLimits[0], rollPitchMomentLimits[1], res,
    True, False, float)
MyCmd = np.linspace(rollPitchMomentLimits[0], rollPitchMomentLimits[1], res,
    True, False, float)
FMCmdXY = np.zeros((res, res, m), float)

# Storage for solutions
xXY = np.zeros((res, res, n), float)

# Storage for objective value
fvalXY = np.zeros((res, res), float)

# Storage for realized force/moments
FMRetXY = np.zeros((res, res, m), float)

k = 0
for i in range(0, res, 1):
    for j in range(0, res, 1):

        # Commanded force/moment
        FMTest = FMTrim
        FMTest[1] = MxCmd[i]
        FMTest[2] = MyCmd[j]
        FMCmdXY[i,j,:] = FMTest

        # Find optimal design variables
        xXY[i,j,:] = solution.evaluate(FMTest.reshape((m, 1))).reshape((n))

        # Compute returned force/moments for optimal design variables
        FMRetXY[i,j,:] = (dFMdTau@xXY[i,j,:].reshape((n, 1))).reshape((m))

        # Print progress for high resolutions
        k = k + 1
        if k >= 10:
            k = 0
            print("Error plot evaluating point (" + str(i) + ", " + str(j) + ")")

FMName = ("Fz", "Mx", "My", "Mz")
fg, ax = mp.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(11, 11))

for i in range(0, 4, 1):

    # Difference commanded and achieved forces and moments
    errors = FMRetXY[:,:,i] - FMCmdXY[:,:,i]

    # Plot contours
    ax[i%2][i//2].contour(MxCmd, MyCmd, errors, 20,
        linestyle='-', linewidth=1).clabel()
    if i%2:
    if not i//2:
    ax[i%2][i//2].set_title(FMName[i] + ' Errors\n'
        + "min=" + str(np.round(np.min(errors), 3))
        + "    max=" + str(np.round(np.max(errors), 3)))

We can see roll and pitch being prioritized; errors in thrust and yaw jump up as soon as the system runs out of ablity to service roll or pitch. Then resources are focused on the axis with a larger command. Note that the errors in thrust and yaw are simply deviations from trimmed hover; they would increase significantly if any thrust or yaw were requested. What we are seeing now are, effectively, yaw and thrust deviations due to the priority on roll and pitch as they are commanded through vehicle limitations. Since actuators are finite, the vehicle sinks and turns in order to service extreme roll and pitch requests (which probably represent emergencies).

Conclusion: PPOPT is able to do control allocation. Furthermore, we can see many of the important features of control allocation at work already: extra freedom in over-actuated systems is used optimally, control objectives are prioritized, plant is linearized to the extent possible, axes are decoupled to the extent possible, and control authority is optimized when beyond limits of actuation.